QR Quick - Wallet for QR codes

With QR Quick, users can collect all codes to single place. Extension by homescreen widget, app would help user with most frequently using code without open the app. It would be very convenient while you're on the move

vLunar - Vietnamese lunar calendar

vLunar is a calendar app which combine Gregorian calendar and Vietnamese lunar calendar. App support a simple UI but really useful for Vietnamese users

PipPip - Chime on Every hour

Rewind you back to the old days of clock or digital watch, the bell ring or a beep sound play on every new hour to come... PipPip will trigger a simple notification on every new hour to let you keep track with timing

MoPip - Keep every moment of your life in privacy

Keep every moment of your life in privacy. Just like a diary book, MoPip let you save moments and organize as collection. Imagine the collection with your darling, family

TraSpeed - Speedometer & Dash Cam Trip

Turn your mobile device to a functional dash cam with a lots of extras benefit: Speedometer, Dash Cam, Speed Alert



HCMC, Vietnam